Tree Lights and Happy Thoughts

Only a quick post today, as I promised to show you my wreaths. I couldn't help snapping a few shots of the tree, too. I'm sure you'll forgive the over-exuberance of color. What can I say? I love Christmas! Editing-wise, you'll be pleased to know two more books will hit the shelves in time for …

Tales from the Roaring Water Bay #1

It's 15.45 and I'm gazing out over the cliff at the Roaring Water Bay. Why did the Irish call it that? I can't see any roaring water. In fact, the only roaring around here is the result of the gentle coastal breeze. The North Atlantic seems pretty peaceful from where I'm standing, in the doorway …

Writers and Writing – Take Five

Believe it or not - it's sunny! Yes, the three consecutive months of rain have actually rained themselves out. Today we've had sunshine. So, naturally, all lawn enthusiasts laboured over their mowers - the sound of hiccuping, spluttering motors filled the land for well over twelve hours. It's finally quiet now, but it is 8 pm …

Writers and Writing – Take Three

Relaxing again, and thinking of... well... writing. Here is what amused me today, mostly because I recognise a grain of truth in there, somewhere. I'm the kind of writer that people think other people are reading. (V. S Naipaul) There's no such thing as writer's block. That was invented by people in California who couldn't …